Friday, May 31, 2013

Got adult onset acne? Here is La Isha's Do It Yourself Summer Beauty Tip of the Day!

Ahhh! Warm summer temperatures, increased sunlight and sweaty outdoor activities! Normally a welcome change for most of us after enduring a cold, grey winter season...but for those of us who suffer from acne, summer weather can cause a nasty flare up of angry red zits and ugly blackheads at a time when we'd like to bare more skin, not less.

Over-active oil glands are a major cause of clogged pores and breakouts, and warm temperatures often send oil production into serious overdrive. While you might instinctively reach for a bottle of astringent or an alcohol-based toner, applying these to troubled skin is actually counterproductive to your efforts. Here's why: alcohol is extremely drying. Once your body senses that your skin is drying out, it sends a message to your oil glands to produce even more oil and bring it back into balance. Not exactly what you had in mind, is it?

Instead of trying to dry out a troubled complexion, try applying a thin layer of honey (Manuka honey from New Zealand is the best choice here) instead. Leave on for about 20 minutes, then rinse off with warm water. Honey contains natural anti-microbial properties that fight infection without irritating your skin, and manuka honey is thought to be the most potent of them all. Voila! Clearer skin without the use of synthetic chemicals!

This blog is brought to you by La Isha Natural Skincare

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