Sunday, May 19, 2013

Fresh look easy home manicure - La Isha's Do It Yourself Summer Beauty Tip of the Day!

Here’s a fresh, clean summer look that will also give your nails a chance to breathe between manicures.

After bathing, push back your cuticles with an orange stick, then buff your nails gently with a soft buffer board (one that is designed for natural nails and will lightly sand off any yellowing residual from wearing colored polish). Follow up with applying on a light coat of natural olive oil and massaging it into your nails and cuticles until absorbed. This is a beautiful summer look that never goes out of style and will give your nails a healthy, welcome breather from colored nail polishes!

#natural beauty #summer skincare #summer beauty #doityourself

This blog is brought to you by La Isha Natural Skin Care!

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