Sunday, April 28, 2013

Are you a vibrant 35+ year old women? Help us with our project and tell us what you need! We are listening!

Are you a vibrant 35+ year old woman, like we are here at La Isha?
Did you know that our staff and formulators are all women just like you?

We figured out a long time ago that when we look good, we feel good, and that affects everything in our lives including self-esteem, our ability to have satisfying relationships, and how financially secure and successful we can ultimately be in the job market.

Want to take control of your life? Then help us!
We are humbled and delighted to announce the formation of an advisory board for the La Isha Foundation: a philanthropic organization dedicated to uniting women and assisting those of us who need help in rediscovering and pursuing our full potential. We are asking women across the globe to share their biggest challenges, fears and concerns.

Your feedback will enable us to target the specific issues you want help with, and help us figure out how to address the universal needs of women who are entering the potentially most powerful and liberating phase of our lives.

La Isha is dedicated to empowering you, so won't you please help us help you, and tell us what you need? We are listening!

We can be reached on Facebook at, on Twitter at or by email at

Wishing you the blessings of good health and timeless beauty,
Sharon Gnatt Epel

This blog is brought to you by La Isha Natural Skin Care!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Which Works Better: Oils or Lotions?

If you are an American woman, chances are that you grew up watching your mama apply lotion to her face and body, but if you hail from Europe or Asia, you are more likely to be familiar with using oils to hydrate and nourish your skin.

There are many pros and cons to using each of these, but the main physical difference between them comes down to percentage of water content.

Lotions need water to emulsify (combine oils and liquids that normally resist being mixed together) and generally require heat to bind the ingredients so that they won’t separate. The downside of this process is that exposure to high temperatures can destroy whatever therapeutic properties are contained within the natural oils. Lotions are also looser in consistency, giving them a lighter, less-greasy feel on the skin. If you tend to have an oily complexion this may not be a concern, but a lighter weight also means that the lotion’s moisturizing effects may not last very long.

If you have dry skin, live in a cold or arid climate, or spend most of your time working indoors in an artificially heated or air-conditioned office, you probably want to use a moisturizer that will last all day. Creams tend to be thicker than lotions, usually contain a higher percentage of oil, and their moisturizing effects last longer. A cream that contains a well-balanced combination of carrier (oily) and essential oils (dry oils) can not only moisturize skin and alleviate dry flaky patches: it can also offer significant antioxidant and health benefits while creating a gentle moisture barrier between your skin and the elements.

Whether you prefer to use a lotion, cream or oil, another important consideration is permeability: whether or not the moisturizer will just sit on top of the skin, or be easily absorbed within a short period of time. In order for a moisturizing agent to do any good, it must be able to penetrate the top layer of skin. Oils in general have a good history of doing this but can be a bit too oily for some people’s personal tastes. Lotions, on the other hand, usually won’t leave behind an oily residue, but their moisturizing benefits seem to evaporate within ten to fifteen minutes, leaving your skin as bone dry as it was before you applied the lotion.

If you are concerned about oils being comedogenic (causing acne or breakouts), you may be surprised to learn that many natural oils can actually be helpful to acne prone skin and will not cause clogged pores. It is the type of oil that determines the likelihood of breaking out, so it is a good idea to read product labels very carefully and research any ingredients that you are not familiar with. Even when a product is labeled non-comedogenic, it is not a guarantee that it is free of all comedogenic ingredients.  Retin-A cream contains Isopropyl Myristate, a highly comedogenic and occlusive substance, yet in spite of this, many dermatologists prescribe it for acne-prone skin.

(By the way - if you tend to break out on your neck and back, the true culprit might be residue from your shampoo or conditioner. Make sure to rinse all hair products off your body to reduce the likelihood of irritating skin and clogging your pores).

Ultimately, the best way to figure out what will work for your individual needs is to buy small trial sizes or – preferably – samples of the products you are considering. Be sure to use them one at a time until you find the brand that suits you best. This method of trial and error takes a little time and patience, but is the most sure-fire way to discover which type of moisturizer and brand name will ultimately help protect your skin and keep it young-looking and healthy. Looking beautiful requires dedication and consistency, but when you consider that you have only one body to last an entire lifetime, it is a labor of love that is well worth the effort!

This blog is brought to you by La Isha Natural Skin Care!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Do You Have Cleavage Wrinkles?

Cleavage wrinkles are those pesky vertical lines on your chest that make you think twice before putting on a low cut blouse, a revealing nightgown or wearing a sexy bustier.

Usually a result of sleeping on one’s side, cleavage wrinkles form when gravity forces the top breast to extend past the body’s midline while you sleep. These wrinkles can also be caused by wearing tight sports bras and push-up beauties, both of which tend to squoosh the breasts together and reinforce creases in the cleavage.

Lest you start blaming yourself for your "evil" side-sleeping tendencies, you should know that sun exposure and aging both contribute to this phenomenon by expediting the breakdown of collagen in the skin. The reduction in collagen levels causes wrinkles to run deeper and linger longer after you wake up in the morning and assume an upright position. There are various physical devices on the market that are designed to create a buffer between the breasts while you sleep, but in addition to looking silly (especially if you are not sleeping alone), they are often uncomfortable and can fall out during the night.

Our favorite solution to the cleavage wrinkle problem is a topical serum called Breast SOS. You simply massage it into your chest and breasts before bedtime, and wake up with better looking skin and a noticeable reduction in cleavage wrinkles. In addition to smelling divine, Breast SOS is a spa-quality at-home treatment that helps tone and firm the skin, fade sun spots, hyperpigmentation, and restores a tighter, springy resilience to the "girls" that many of us may not have seen in years.

But don’t take our word for it: here is a testimonial from a very happy client:

“La Isha Breast SOS is simply the single best remedy on the market for vertical (cleavage) breast wrinkles that happen in the night. It gives immediate results, couldn't be simpler to use and delivers on its promise. I highly recommend this product to all the ladies who read my blogs and follow my conversation with older women through my website, [...]. I would also recommend it to younger women, none of whom are free from those pesky chest wrinkles. I use it nightly, it works!"
~ Judy Steinberg, Palm Desert, CA. TV producer, author of Fabulous After Fifty and Sexy At Sixty, former President of the Palm Springs Women's Press Club, Public Speaker. Judy holds the Ms. Senior America 2010 title for San Diego County.

Be sure to check out additional testimonials for Breast SOS at

This blog is brought to you by La Isha Natural Skin Care!