Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Hot Fun in the City? Not So Much When It Comes To Drinking Bottled Water in the Summer Heat.

Unless you live under a rock, you already know that BPA exposure from plastic water bottles has been linked to breast cancer and a variety of other diseases. But did you know that BPA was originally synthesized in 1936 as an estrogen replacement therapy? Later on it found even greater success as a hardening agent in the manufacturing of plastics that are used to make water bottles, sports bottles, baby bottles, children’s sippy cups, water cooler jugs and aluminum soda can liners.

BPA is a recognized endocrine disruptor. But according to scientists at Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany, some of the chemicals in PET plastics also have the potential to interfere with estrogen and other reproductive hormones, in the same way that BPA and phthalates do. (FYI - BPA is now banned from use in infant products in the U.S.). 

All of these endocrine distruptor chemicals leach into the water more quickly when the plastic is heated, so please don't leave plastic water bottles in a hot car or out in the sun and then drink from them. Doing so will increase your risk of imbibing estrogenic compounds, so do yourself a favor and just stop!

This blog is brought to you by La Isha Natural Skin Care

Copyright July 2013 by Sharon Gnatt Epel for La Isha Natural Skin Care

#naturalskincare #safebeauty #womenover40 #womenshealth #summerbeautytips #breastcancer #endocrinedisruptors

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